A. GE Junction/ Cardia EMR; B. Cardia Edge Biopsy
History of prostate cancer, GEJ nodule, see prior pathology. Upper GI endoscopy. Rule out adenoma, dysplasia, neoplasm. A prior pathology report was concurrently reviewed- jd
A. Gastroesophageal junction/cardia, Banding/endoscopic mucosal resection:
- Barrett's mucosa with diffuse high grade dysplasia/adenocarcinoma in situ with at least focal early stromal invasion; see comment.
B. Cardia edge, biopsy:
- Gastric mucosa with reactive foveolar hyperplasia.
- Negative for dysplasia and intestinal metaplasia.
Comment: Ulceration, acute inflammation with reactive epithelial and stromal changes, and architectural distortion due to granulation tissue formation limit evaluation for invasive disease. However we think there is evidence of early stromal invasion, seen as small groups of atypical glands within desmoplastic stroma.
Microscopic description:
Due to fragmentation of the EMR, margins will not be assessed.
Alcian blue-PAS stain stains (blocks A1, A2, A3) highlight intestinal metaplasia at the squamocolumnar junction.
Additional levels were obtained and evaluated on A.
A. Received in formalin, labeled with patient's name, date of birth, and "cardia: are multiple tan irregular and polypoid tissue fragments measuring 3.5 x 2.5 x 1 cm in aggregate. The fragments range in greatest dimension from 0.6 - 1.3 cm. Possible resection margins are inked black. The fragments are serially sectioned and entirely submitted in three cassettes labeled A1-A3.
B. Received in formalin, labeled with patient's name, date of birth, and "cardia edge" are multiple tan irregular tissue fragments measuring 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.2 cm in aggregate. The specimen is submitted in toto in one cassette labeled B1. JD MK 6/23/2014 07:42 PM
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